How to Lower Chlorine in a Hot Tub: Advice From Our Experts
Health and Wellness

How to Lower Chlorine in a Hot Tub: Advice From Our Experts

Owning a hot tub should be all about relaxation, right? A long soak to melt away the day’s stress, refresh your spirit, and soothe those aching muscles. But when your hot tub water reeks of chlorine and leaves your skin feeling dry, it’s a little hard to relax. Too much chlorine can be a real buzzkill. Luckily, it’s a problem that’s easy to fix. Whether you’re dealing with high chlorine levels or just want to keep your water chemistry in check, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive into how to lower chlorine in a hot tub without breaking a sweat.

Why Is Your Chlorine Level Too High?

First things first, let’s figure out why your chlorine levels are soaring through the roof. You see, chlorine is a sanitizer that keeps your hot tub water clean and safe by killing off bacteria. If you didn’t put in any chlorine, your hot tub water might turn green or cloudy. But sometimes, it can get a little too effective. High chlorine levels can happen for several reasons, including:

  • Overusing Chlorine Tablets or Granules: If you’re adding too much chlorine after seeing your hot tub water turn foamy or cloudy, then you might have added too much and caused an imbalance.
  • Chlorine Shock Treatments: Did you recently shock your spa water? That could spike your free chlorine levels temporarily.
  • Pool Water vs. Hot Tub Water: A quick reminder—hot tubs require lower chemical levels than pools, so if you’re following pool maintenance advice for your hot tub, you could be adding more chlorine than necessary.

Whatever the reason, high chlorine levels aren’t just uncomfortable; they can also be unsafe for your skin, eyes, and even your hot tub parts. So, let’s jump into some practical solutions.

How to Reduce Chlorine in a Hot Tub: Step-by-Step Guide

While doing your hot tub maintenance, you’ve tested your water and found that your chlorine levels are too high. No need to panic—here’s how to get things back on track.

1. Let It Breathe—Remove the Hot Tub Cover

Sometimes, it’s as simple as letting your hot tub breathe. Chlorine levels naturally lower over time, especially when the chlorine is exposed to sunlight. Take off your hot tub cover and let the sun do its thing. Exposure to UV light breaks down chlorine quickly and is a natural way to reduce your chlorine level without adding chemicals. Just leave the hot tub uncovered for a few hours, and you’ll likely see a dip in your chlorine levels.

2. Drain and Dilute

If your chlorine level is stubbornly high and just won’t budge, diluting the water is another solid option. Here’s what you do:

  • Partially Drain and Refill: Drain about 1/4 to 1/2 of the hot tub water and refill it with fresh water. This dilutes the chlorine, bringing those levels down to a more comfortable range.
  • Full Drain and Refill: For extreme cases of excess chlorine, go all in. Drain your hot tub water and start fresh. While you’re at it, this is a good time to do some deep hot tub maintenance—clean those hot tub covers, hot tub parts, and maybe even replace the hot tub filter for good measure.

3. Use a Chlorine Neutralizer

Feeling impatient? You can also add a chlorine neutralizer to your hot tub. Products containing sodium thiosulfate are designed to quickly neutralize chlorine in spa water and pool water. Just follow the dosage instructions carefully—adding too much neutralizer could drop your sanitizer levels too low and cause cloudy hot tub water. Nobody wants bacteria breeding in their hot tub!

4. Non-Chlorine Shock

If you’ve added a chlorine shock recently, your free chlorine and total chlorine levels may be through the roof. Non-chlorine shock (like those made from potassium monopersulfate) can help break down combined chlorine and lower total chlorine without impacting the free chlorine levels that help keep your water safe.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide

Another method for lowering high chlorine levels is the use of hydrogen peroxide. This acts as a neutralizer, breaking down excess chlorine. It’s a bit more hands-on, but it’s effective. A quick tip: make sure the hydrogen peroxide concentration is suitable for spa water—aim for a 35% concentration, and always double-check with your hot tub manual or a trusted hot tub service professional.

Maintaining Proper Chlorine Levels in Your Hot Tub

So now you’ve got your chlorine levels back in check. But let’s be honest—nobody wants to wrestle with this problem more than once. The trick is to maintain that sweet spot in your water care routine. A balanced chlorine level in your hot tub should be between 1-3 ppm (parts per million). Anything above that can lead to skin irritation, chemical odors, and even corrosion of your hot tub parts.

Here are some tried-and-true tips for maintaining proper hot tub chlorine levels:

  • Test Your Water Regularly: Hot tub owners should test their hot tub water at least twice a week. Check not only the free chlorine levels but also the total chlorine and combined chlorine. If the combined chlorine level is high, your hot tub might need a shock treatment to bring everything back into balance.
  • Monitor Total Alkalinity: Keep your eye on your total alkalinity and pH levels. These play a huge role in the effectiveness of your sanitizer. Low alkalinity or imbalanced pH can throw off your chlorine levels, forcing you to use more chemicals than necessary.
  • Use Chlorine Sparingly: Less is often more when it comes to chlorine. If you’re using chlorine tablets or chlorine granules, always follow the recommended dosage for your hot tub’s size. Over-sanitizing can lead to more problems than it solves.
  • Consider Bromine: If chlorine just isn’t working for you, bromine is a great alternative. It’s easier on the skin and maintains a more stable sanitizer level in hot water. Just remember, keeping your bromine levels in check is just as important as chlorine.

Relax and Enjoy Your Hot Tub Again

Wrestling with high chlorine levels in your hot tub can feel like a hassle, but once you’ve got things under control, you’ll be back to soaking in no time. By testing regularly, using the right chemicals, and keeping up with basic hot tub maintenance, you can keep your water crystal clear and perfectly balanced.

 To keep your hot tub experience relaxing and safe, maintaining balanced chlorine levels is key. If you’re in the market for a new spa, check out ALEKO’s selection of high-quality portable hot tubs. With comfort, style, and easy maintenance in mind, we offer hot tubs perfect for every backyard oasis. Explore our selection of inflatable hot tubs and wood-fired hot tubs. Dive into our collection and find the perfect fit for your home!

Stephanie Swenson is a seasoned writer and home improvement aficionado. An avid enthusiast in the realm of innovative products and lifestyle enhancements, Stephanie effortlessly blends her passion with practical insights and has a knack for making complex topics accessible. She guides readers through the world of home and outdoor living improvement with friendly expertise.

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