Health and Wellness,  Home Improvement,  Outdoor Living

Driveway Safety Tips for Kids and Pets

No matter the season, driveway safety is crucial. Although we all use our best judgment to keep our kids and pets safe in the driveway, a refresher on common-sense safety tips is always beneficial. As you start gearing up for fall, here are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure that your driveway gate not only keeps your home safe but that your family and furry friends are safe too.

First One Out and Last One In

Driveway safety starts with supervision and teaching essential tips to the rest of the family. One important rule to keep in mind is “first one out and last one in.” This means that an adult should be the first one out of the car to make sure everything is safe, and they should be the last one in the car for the same reason. This simple tip alone can ensure kids and pets are all out of the way and either in the car or waiting in a safe area away from the driveway.

Also, teach your kids to wait until the car comes to complete stop before getting out. And keep doors child-locked and open them yourself if there are young kids in the car. This ensures they won’t open the car door into another vehicle or mailbox to protect against unwanted damage.

Install a Driveway Gate

Driveway gates serve as the barrier that separates your home from the road and can greatly enhance your security and privacy. When you pair a sliding or swinging gate with an automatic electric opener, it will open for you and close behind you, securing the driveway automatically.

Wrought iron gates also add a visual appeal to complement their security function. Think about all of the homes in Beverley Hills—what do they all have in common? Driveway gates aren’t just for the rich and famous, and you can enhance your home’s curb appeal relatively easily with a new gate.

Learn Your Driveway

Maybe you’ve just moved into a new home and are still learning the lay of the land. Many are fortunate to have a safe and clear driveway while others have blind spots or steep slopes. Whatever the case is, take a few minutes to learn all of the curves and potential hazards of your driveway. With a better understanding of where your electric gate opener is or how much distance passing cars need before you can safely exit, you can reduce any potential hazards or accidents.

Driveway safety for kids and pets is simple when you supervise and are consistent in your efforts. Make sure that you’re informing the rest of the family and teaching your kids proper driveway safety. With everyone doing their part, your driveway and the front of your home can be practically hazard-free. 


ALEKO supplies products that provide convenience and joy, like their flagship line of driveway gates and gate openers. They offer an extensive selection, including sliding and swinging gates along with gate openers to add convenience and safety to your driveway. The company was founded in 2005 and have distinguished themselves through their commitment to selection, quality, consistency, easy installation, and friendly customer support. Their direct-to-consumer pricing helps to make even their most sophisticated wrought iron gates accessible to a variety of budgets. They offer a 10-year limited warranty on all of their powder-coated driveway gates and will help you throughout the buying process.

Shop ALEKO’s entire selection of driveway gates and openers at

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