Finally, it’s summer! The sun is shining, the weather is warm and everyone’s enjoying the day. The smell of your favorite foods waft from the barbecue and rumbles your stomach as you sip on an ice-cold beverage…is dinner ready yet?? The laughter of family and friends combined with a (pre-set) track list of your favorite music creates a festive atmosphere that brings the party to life. Even your favorite furry (or hairless!) friend is catching a tan while the backyard party continues.

With blue skies comes the intoxicating sun that just gets a tad too hot for us during the day. We all know to take precautions to ensure we don’t get sunburned, dehydrated and a heatstroke to name a few of the consequences, but did you know that animals can suffer from heatstroke too?

We all value the love of a cherished pet, to the point where they become family. Ensure they stay cool during the summer with some signs of a heatstroke and ways to combat it below!
- Lethargy and dizziness
- Excessive panting and heart rate
- Little-to-no production of urine
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea

- Excessive panting
- Pale combs/wattles
- Lifting wings away from body
- Diarrhea
- Egg production is reduced with thinner shells
- Keep pets indoors or move them to shaded areas
- Keep walks short and walk during cooler times during the day – if the concrete/asphalt is hot to you, it’s hot for your pet
- Add ice cubes (and electrolyte cubes for chickens) to water bowls to keep water cooler
- NEVER leave a pet unattended in a car, if so make sure to keep the windows rolled down
- Check rectal temperature every 10 minutes
- For chickens, give them space and do not overcrowd your flock
- Treat bunnies to freshly-washed veggies
Notice any symptoms?
- Immediately move pet indoors or to shaded area
- Spray or wipe down with cool water (avoid very cold water!)
- Offer plenty of water to drink and replace/refresh bowls often
And most importantly:

RSPCA Pet Insurance
Raising Happy Chickens with Cath Andrews
Veterinary and Poultry Supply, Inc.