5 Storage Solutions to Declutter Your Home
Home Improvement

5 Storage Solutions to Declutter Your Home

Words like “shirts” and “nick-nacks” and “books” don’t capture the feelings that we associate with our favorite items. A tee shirt from a trip to Japan in 1980 or a stack of yearbooks hauled from home to home—we keep these items because their presence instills within us a deep feeling of nostalgia.

According to Randy Frost, a professor at Smith College in Massachusetts, “our possessions all have magical qualities. Many, if not most, of the things we keep have an essence that goes beyond the physical character of the object.” From personal experience, many of us know this to be absolutely true.

While our possessions may bring us great joy, their tendency to end up scattered throughout our homes in the form of visible clutter certainly does not.

Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that visible clutter greatly impairs the brain’s ability to focus and process information. Creating a well-organized, clear environment will calm the stress hormones that are released as a result of constantly tidying and handling our possessions.

The result of an organized home? You will gain the ability to focus on what truly matters.


Organize Your Home and Save Time and Stress

Without proper organization in the home, we waste time looking for items—and those minutes really add up. According to a survey taken by Ikea, the average person spends six minutes looking for their keys in the morning. That adds up to 36 ½ hours per year. Yikes!

Home organization products are designed especially to make our lives easier by streamlining what we already do. We selected some of our favorite ALEKO storage solutions to help you clear your space and put order to the chaos.

It only takes a few organization products to transform your whole home!

ALEKO’s Five Favorite Organization Solutions


1. Space Saving Vacuum Bags

ALEKO space bags

Click here to read more about ALEKO’s vacuum bags

For those items that you want to keep but don’t always need to access quickly, such as seasonal clothing, children’s books and toys, holiday items, and extra blankets, vacuum bags are an ideal storage solution. With an estimated 75% of space saved from this ingenious invention, you can easily store more items in a smaller space.

The best part? ALEKO’s vacuum bags improve the longevity of your things, as they protect against water damage, bugs, mildew, dirt, and odors. Simply put your items in the bag, suck the air out with the provided pump or a vacuum, and store it away!


2. Portable Garment Clothes Organizer Rack With Shelves

 Click here to check out ALEKO’s Portable Clothes Organizer

Not all of us are fortunate enough to have built-in closet organization, however there are many cost-effective solutions on the market. Closet organization can be a game changer for your life, especially if you spend a lot of time looking for particular items each day. ALEKO’s portable garment rack with shelves can be used in tiny living spaces that don’t have closets, or even placed within the largest walk-in closets for additional organization.

The best part? This garment rack is portable and compact, making it ideal for a wide range of spaces. This item isn’t restricted to clothing, either. Use it in the kitchen as a pantry to store baking goods and small appliances, or put it near a window as a plant organizer. This rack can be adapted for many uses.


3. Children’s Wardrobe

Want to see more? Click here to check out ALEKO’s Children’s Wardrobe

Much like the versatility of the portable clothes organizer above, this children’s multipurpose storage organizer is ideal for a child’s bedroom or playroom. Both cute and functional, this portable wardrobe can support hanging clothes, folded clothes, toys, books, backpacks, and many other items your child needs to access daily.

The best part? This wardrobe fully closes so all items are stored out of sight to provide a clean, tidy appearance. This lightweight wardrobe is also easy to move, so transferring it to a different space is fast and easy. This wardrobe is also made of recyclable materials, so when it’s no longer needed, go ahead and recycle it!


4. Oriental Room Divider

ALEKO room dividerClick here to see ALEKO’s Oriental Room Divider

While room dividers don’t usually come to mind when thinking about storage solutions, this item is a hidden gem for both interior design and storing items out of sight. This Japanese-style room divider features a wood frame, rice paper, and two-way hinges so it can be set at just the right angle.

Room dividers can be helpful for calming visual clutter—place it in front of an exterior closet area or in front of a messy corner of your home. The simple act of smoothing out your visual space can greatly enhance the way you experience your home.

Room dividers can also create separation in large rooms that have multiple purposes—detach your work space from your living space to increase mental clarity and ease while working and relaxing. With the right positioning, this handy item can be both visually pleasing and add dimension and style to your home.

The best part? This room divider can be folded up to a compact size when not in use!


5. Shoe Rack

ALEKO shoe storage

Click here to look at ALEKO’s Shoe Rack

Shoe racks have been around for a very long time, yet they are often under-utilized in the home. Adding a simple, mid-sized shoe rack to your closet or entryway can save you both time and stress.

According to the United States national average, most people have 19 pairs of shoes. While that number might seem manageable, if counted individually, that equates to 38 shoes total! Shoe organization is an absolute necessity.

If you don’t already have a specific place to store your shoes, not only is time wasted by searching for a matching pair, the toll of seeing that visual clutter on a daily basis can cause stress and unease, even if it is not consciously felt.

Instead, pick your shoes from a pleasing display, elongate the life of your shoes, and decrease the amount of time you spend looking for shoes. Win-win-win!

The best part? ALEKO’s 4 tier shoe rack is an ideal size that fits within most closets, and the white color will match with most existing interior designs.






Natassja Cassinerio is a writer and editor who lives in the Pacific Northwest. Her work has been featured in Anomalous Press, Crack the Spine, and other online journals. When she isn’t reading or writing, she hikes with her dog, gets avant-garde in the kitchen, practices aerial silks, and studies the birds of Western Washington.

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